MarkLight 2.5.0 Released

Aug 23, 2016
Version highlights:

  1. Text Mesh Pro Integration - Text Mesh Pro is a third party asset that drastically improves text performance and adds several text features in Unity. If your project uses a lot of text it's almost an required asset at this point. To use Text Mesh Pro with MarkLight you simply need to import the Text Mesh Pro asset and uncomment a line of code. All Label views in your project are then replaced by Text Mesh Pro labels.
    text mesh pro text

  2. On-demand Loaded Sprites - Sprites can be set to be loaded during runtime (e.g. from asset bundles) by adding a "?" before the path:

    <Region BackgroundImage="?MediaBackground" />

    In the code you can then load/unload the background sprite by calling:

    ViewData.LoadSprite("MediaBackground", sprite);

Change Log

  • Added Text Mesh Pro integration, enabled by uncommenting a line in TextMeshProLabel.cs which replaces the Label view with the TextMeshProLabel (created for the Unity 5.4 version)
  • Added field attribute ReplaceViewField, used if you want to replace one field with another
  • Added class attribute ReplacesViewModel, used if you want to replace another view-model entirely
  • Added class attribute ViewNameAlias, used if you want view name aliases that maps to the view-model
  • Fixed bug with scene not being marked as dirty when reloading views
  • On-demand loaded sprites supported
  • Performance improvements in how layout changes are propagated to parents
  • Added SetChildVisibility on Group which when set to True will remove flickering effect as enabled children are made visible before being positioned

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